@extends('layouts.app') @php($receipt = !is_null($booking->payment) && !is_null($booking->payment->logs) ? (json_decode($booking->payment->logs, true)["Transaction ID"] ?? null) : null) @section('head') @endsection @section('content')
Payment Success

{{$booking->first_name}}, {{__('your order was submitted successfully!')}}

{{__('Booking details has been sent to:')}} {{$booking->email}}

@if($note = $gateway->getOption("payment_note"))
{!! clean($note) !!}
@if($booking->gateway == 'bonga' && is_null($receipt))
    @php($type = (int)$gateway->getOption("type"))
  1. Dial *126# and select 'Lipa na Bonga Points'
  2. Select {{ $type == 4 ? 'Pay Bill' : 'Buy Goods' }}
  3. Enter {{ $type == 4 ? 'Business' : 'Till' }} Number {{ setting_item('g_mfuko_shortcode', '174379') }}
  4. @if($type == 4)
  5. Enter your phone number as account number
  6. @endif @isset($booking->pay_now)
  7. Enter exactly KSh {{ round($booking->pay_now) }} as the amount
  8. @else
  9. Enter the exact amount as above
  10. @endisset
  11. Confirm the details of your payment and input your service pin to complete the payment
@endif @if(($booking->gateway == 'mfuko' || $booking->gateway == 'bonga') && is_null($receipt))
{{ $receipt ?? 'Confirming Payment...' }}
@if($booking->status == 'processing' || $booking->status == 'unpaid') @endif @endif
  • {{__('Booking Number')}}: {{$booking->id}}
  • {{__('Booking Date')}}: {{display_date($booking->created_at)}}
  • @if(!empty($gateway))
  • {{__('Payment Method')}}: {{$gateway->name}}
  • @endif
  • {{__('Booking Status')}}: {{ $booking->status_name }}
  • @if($booking->gateway == 'mfuko' && !is_null($receipt))
  • {{__('Transaction ID')}}: {{$receipt}}
  • @endif
@include ($service->booking_customer_info_file ?? 'Booking::frontend/booking/booking-customer-info')
@include ($service->checkout_booking_detail_file ?? '')
@if($booking->status == 'processing' || $booking->status == 'unpaid') @endif
@endsection @section('footer') @endsection